Jan15 The Ohio Division of Financial Institutions Unveiled Proposed Rules for Banks, Feedback Needed!
The ODFI recently released a copy of proposed rules. Most of the changes are technical updates and part of the five-year rule review process. However, it also provides an opportunity to address any potential pain points. For more information, please click HERE.
Jan15 Committee Assignments Announced for the 136th Ohio General Assembly
At the start of each General Assembly, the new committee chairs and members are announced. This year, the Financial Institutions Committee in both the Ohio House and Senate includes many pro-banking legislators. Check out the full list and whether your legislator is on the committee.
Jan15 136th General Assembly Ohio Legislative Freshmen Series – Ohio Senate
2025 kicks off a new two-year General Assembly in the Ohio state legislature, and this week all members are being sworn in for their new term. Let’s take a look at some of the new members joining the Senate half of the lawmaking body.