$martPath Ohio Partnership

The Ohio Bankers Foundation has partnered with the State of Ohio and the University of Cincinnati to train teachers to correctly and efficiently teach banking-related subjects in their classrooms. The training is provided as part of a program called $martPath Ohio, offered statewide to reach the widest audience possible.


$martPath is an engaging, interactive and easy-to-use way for teachers of grades one to six to embed relevant and fun economic and financial education in their classrooms. Developed by leading practitioners working hand-in-hand with Ohio teachers, $martPath provides simple, fun lessons that bring economic and financial education to life to classrooms. $martPath units teach students about personal financial responsibility (such as saving, prudent spending, and prioritizing needs and wants) through grade-appropriate, curriculum-aligned, interactive lessons.

All foundation services will benefit Low to Moderate Income Individuals as defined by the federal bank regulators.